Below you will find a collection of frequently asked questions and topics of discussion we have with our clients. Browse through them and if you have any further questions or concerns that are not covered on this page, please feel free to contact us at 1-403-553-8053.
Frequently Asked Questions
Click here to be taken directly to the most frequently asked questions and topics of discussion.
Contact Us
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us to meet with our patient-care co-ordinator.
Oral Health
A healthy mouth is an important part of a healthy body. Poor oral health can affect your quality of life by affecting your physical, mental and social well-being.
The Canadian Dental Association notes that research shows a correlation between oral disease and other health problems, such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke, respiratory illness in older adults and pre-term and low birth-weight babies. Here are five solid steps to good oral health:
- Visit your dentist regularly.
- Keep your mouth clean (brush & floss).
- Eliminate or restrict sugar in your diet.
- Check your mouth regularly for tooth decay, gum disease and oral cancers.
- Avoid all tobacco products.
Finding A Dentist
Choosing a dentist is a personal decision. You want a dentist you can talk to and learn from. Find a dentist as soon as you move to a new area. Here’s how:
- Ask friends, relatives, co-workers and neighbours for their recommendations.
- Ask your dentist to suggest someone in your new area.
- Contact your provincial or territorial regulatory authority or dental association. Many association websites have a dentist locator or dentist directory.
Dental Insurance
You might have a dental plan through your employer, union or provincial government. Here are some questions you should ask about your dental plan:
- What is covered each year?
- Is there a deductible or a dollar limit on your coverage?
- Can I choose a procedure other than the one your plan covers?
- Will you be covered if you change jobs?
- To what extent are you covered for cleanings and X-rays, and more complex procedure such as bridges, crowns, dentures and oral surgery?
- Does your plan allow you to choose your own dentist?
Understanding Co-Payment
Co-payment, or co-insurance, is the portion of the bill for which you are responsible. How much you must pay depends on your dental plan and the dental work done. For simple procedures (X-rays, cleanings, fillings and root canals), an 80/20 co-payment is common, in which you pay 20 percent and your insurer pays 80 percent. For more complex procedures, you might pay 50 percent. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your dental insurance plan please call one of our patient care specialists to help you at 1-800-552-8053.